An interesting new development courtesy of the ODPM – the TALK web site (Transferring Across Local Knowledge). The blurb says "this will go beyond key products, manuals and reports, to…
Category: <span>Knowledge Management</span>
Interesting quote heard at the KIN conference: Public sector improvements due to knowledge work are one third of those in the private sector. Attributed to ‘Friedman’ – not sure if…
Well actually…it’s the same paper, but still strying to get it through the convoluted Governance process. Currently awaiting feedback from the directore of finances….can we afford to implement a strategy…
Not much to say today really. Have spent the day putting the finishing touches to the KM Strategy paper for my (public sector) client. Not quite sure that local government…
Another day spent writing a report to enable the KM Strategy project to proceed. When I look back over the past 8 months, I think I’ve spent about 80% of…
Feeling somewhat frustrated. Having spent the best part of around 4 days pulling together a compelling case for a new KM strategy for the client, with full budgetary breakdown for…
The following is a briefing for a new approach to ‘KM’ in that I’m attempting to get Local Government to buy into. These concepts are not new to the provate…