Category: <span>Central Government</span>

The promised axe is coming down hard today on 192 quangos that will be abolished, with another 289 being radically overhauled. 380 quangos are staying. As one insightful blogger noted:…

Central Government Public Sector

Much has been written about ‘Lean‘, and what a ‘lean’ organisation looks like. ‘Lean’ quite simply means creating more value with fewer resources. A popular misconception is that ‘lean’ only…

Central Government Public Sector

Just picked up from Nick Milton’s blog, the Kuwait Petroleum Company have published a series of case studies from the communities of practice his company  helped them to launch and…

Central Government Social Media

Central Government Communities of Practice Public Sector Social Computing Social Media Social Networking Tools

Central Government Communities of Practice Public Sector

Central Government Reports

Central Government Guidelines

Paul Canning writes about the changing and shifting priorities of central government in relation to ‘eDemocracy’, and specifically the possible demise of the International Centre of Excellence for Local eDemocracy…

Central Government

Central Government Social Media

Just picked up from Public Sector Forums (PSF) – the Cabinet Office have launched a new ‘Customer Service Excellence‘ website, which apparently fails the government’s standards for web accessibility, breaches…

Central Government Standards