Bookmarks for June 18th through July 4th

These are my links for June 18th through July 4th:

  • Design Issues for the World Wide Web – These statements of architectural principle explain the thinking behind semantic web specifications. These are personal notes by Tim Berners-Lee: they are not endorsed by W3C. They are aimed at the technical community, to explain reasons, provide a framework to provide consistency for for future developments, and avoid repetition of discussions once resolved.
  • UNICEF seeking a CoP facilitator – A topic close to my heart having developed the CoP platform for UK local government ( With over 1000 facilitated CoPs working towards improvement in public services, there may be some facilitators looking for a new or additional challenge for a very worthwhile cause.
  • Open data – Salford City Council – Salford has a range of open data feeds. A lot of these are around council decisions and council meetings. The requirement to publish this information has been overshadowed a little bit by the announcement of the requirement to publish all expenditure over £500. So it's great to see Salford's example of a nice clean page with lots of different feeds covering governance arrangements, job openings, councillor information and an always useful "what's on" listings.
  • The Knowledge Network: Scotland's source of knowledge for health and care – Scotland's source of knowledge for health and care.
  • Seeing Standards – The standards represented here are among those most heavily used or publicized in the cultural heritage community, though certainly not all standards that might be relevant are included. A small set of the metadata standards plotted on the main visualization also appear as highlights above the graphic. These represent the most commonly known or discussed standards for cultural heritage metadata.
  • Martha Lane Fox appointed as UK Digital Champion – Encouraging letter from the PM. I just hope that MLF doesn't get ground down by the bureaucracy of government. The 'Big Society' agenda requires speed and agility to develop some momentum.

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