These are my links for November 24th through November 27th:
- The Praized Blog » Blog Archive » Web 2.0 Communities: Trends & Technologies – 1. The Web is becoming more and more social.
2. The Web is becoming more and more local.
3. The Web is becoming more and more fragmented.
4. Mobile devices (smart phones, iPhone, etc.) and new devices (GPS, Kindle, wifi-enabled game consoles, etc.) means new place to display your content but new context as well.
5. The Web is becoming more structured (tags, micro-formats). More structure means better relevancy. Get ready for the semantic Web. - The 5 P’s of Web Communities – When considering web communities as a way to reach out to your market, there are 5 key ways people will come together to form and uphold an online community. For memory’s sake, here are the five P words that illustrate the thriving online community market and what it can mean for small businesses.
- You Gotta Try Mr. Tweet – Last night I happened across Mr. Tweet, a stealth startup that’s growing quickly. The site bills itself as your “personal assistant for Twitter,” but it functions as a very interesting version of Facebook’s friend finder.
The site asks you for your Twitter username, and then processes your connections and the content of your tweets. I input my name this morning, and by late this afternoon, it DM’d me with my ready report.
- Supporting Pioneering Leaders as Communities of Practice – Do you ever stand back and try to see the big picture, the view from 50,000 feet of what's going on in organizations, communities, the world? From up there, how would you describe these times? Is it a time of increasing economic and political instability, of growing divisiveness and fear, of failing systems and dying dreams? Is it a time of new possibilities, of great examples of hope, of positive human evolution, of transformation? Are we succeeding in solving major problems, are we creating more? Is it any of these things, is it all of these things?
- Bulletins : Department of Health – Publications – Index of bulletins
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