I’ve long advocated that the best way to encourage a learning and sharing environment is by enabling Connections rather than relying on Collections of codified knowledge stored in a database or in a web site. In other words, bring people together who share a common goal or issue; connecting peers and/or connecting experts with practioners. All of this is embodied within the new KM Strategy I have developed for the Improvement & Development Agency. A brief introducton to the strategy can be found on the IDeA web site.
Published July 25, 2006 by Stephen Dale
CoP in the Local Government Sector
Stephen is Director and founder of Collabor8now Ltd, an organization focussed on developing collaborative environments (e.g. Communities of Practice) and the integration of knowledge management tools and processes to support business improvement. He is a certified knowledge manager with the Knowledge Management Institute (KMI) and the author of several published research papers on collaborative behaviours and information technology.
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