These are my links for February 14th through February 17th:
- Council Monitor – Essential to monitoring and comparing the reputation of all UK councils online
- Web 2.0 tools and applications: 1100+ Web2 apps listed, annotated – Web 2.0 tools, apps and resources for collaboration, communication, RSS, images, start pages, weblogs, wikis and more. Emphasis is on libraries, librarians and information work.
- National Knowledge Service Homepage – The mission of the National Knowledge Service, set out in the strategy of NHS Connecting for Health, is to ensure that every decision made by a patient or a healthcare professional can be supported by best current evidence. Knowledge is like water and access to clean, clear knowledge is a right. Knowledge, like water, needs to be managed and every healthcare organisation needs to manage knowledge, even more carefully than they manage money. Resources to support these activities are available at the National Library for Knowledge Management.
- Information Is Beautiful | Ideas, issues, concepts, subjects – visualized! – Creative use of graphics for communicating complex ideas and information.
- Explaining social media to senior managers by Michele Ide-Smith – This week I had the opportunity to present to senior managers in my organisation (a local authority) to explain what social media is, how it is affecting us and why we need to develop a social media strategy. The key message of the presentation was:
“People are having conversations about us online, but we are not part of those conversations.”
For me this was a great opportunity to get buy-in from the very top of the organisation to the development of a social media strategy. We already have a project underway to develop a social media framework (strategy, policy, guidelines and tools) which has arisen as a result of demand from services and growing awareness of the usage of social media tools by citizens.
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