Bookmarks for September 13th through September 17th

These are my links for September 13th through September 17th:

  • TFPL Training : Web2.0 Tools for facilitating knowledge management – There is a growing recognition but not yet a consensus about integrating Web 2.0 technologies into an organisation's workflows and business processes. There is a desire to develop more effective knowledge sharing and a culture of collaboration amongst staff, but little recognition of what this means in terms of organisational change. Successful organisations need to be agile and able to adapt to an increasingly volatile environment. They are more likely to achieve this where conversations can flow and opportunities exist for collaboration and co-creation. In essence, we all need to be collaboration 'superstars'. The problem is, collaboration is a skill and set of practices that rarely gets taught. It's something we may learn on the job in a hit or miss fashion. Some people are natural at it. Others struggle to understand it.
  • Critical Thinking: Essential for Success – KM Edge: Where the best in Knowledge Management come together – A group of enthusiastic and experienced knowledge management professionals from a variety of industries, functions, and countries started with a "blank sheet" and derived several ideal future results, or IFRs. Through a combination of innovative methodology and skilled facilitation, this hardy band of cohorts identified five essential needs for the successful organization of the future: a digital hub, learning from lessons, a collaborative culture, exploiting the teachable moment, and heuristics and critical thinking.
  • Triplify | Get Triplify at – Triplify provides a building block for the semantification of Web applications. Triplify is a small plugin for Web applications, which converts database content into RDF or JSON feeds and provides a Linked Data interface.
  • 50+ Really Cool Twitter Mashups – Ever since Twitter released its API to the public, developers around the world rack their brains creating applications or tools that are benefitial for the users. Some of them are successful such as TwitPic, TwitterFeed and TweetLater. Out of a few thousands of Twitter applications, some of which are mashups which integrate at least two different data together. Grabbing information from multiple sources, I’ve compiled a list of ‘50+ Really Cool Twitter Mashups’. Enjoy!

    What’s a mashup?

    A mashup is a Web application that combines data or functionality from two or more sources into a single integrated application.

  • Full List of UK Councils now online (and accessible via API) « countculture – Sometimes you just have to get on with it. After adding a few more UK Local authorities to OpenlyLocal this weekend (we’ve now opened up information from over 70 councils), I bit the bullet and added basic entries for all the remaining UK local authorities.

    [Props should go to Dane at the excellent eGovernment Register who gave me permission to use the basic info I got from there for open distribution, though other restrictions may apply — the ONS info is Crown Copyright, for example.]

    What use is that, if we’re not yet extracting the councillors, committees and meetings information from them?

    Plenty, because it now means you can get programmatic access to the Full List of UK councils in one place, at one url: You can also get the data as XML or Json just by adding .xml or .json to the url.

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