Bookmarks for April 28th through May 3rd

These are my links for April 28th through May 3rd:

  • ManageTwitter – Fast & Easy Unfollowing – * Clean up and manage who you follow.<br />
    * Find out who isn't following you back.<br />
    * Find out which inactive accounts you follow.<br />
    * Easily search inside your Twitter stream.
  • Couch potatoes to get active with Google TV? – The days of sitting zombie-like in front of our TV screens may be coming to an end. Google TV will integrate social media with traditional broadcast TV, enabling viewers to interact in real-time with what they see. The possibilities are endless – not only being able to instantly critique what we are seeing, or sharing our opinions with friends, but maybe even influencing the storylines of our favourite soaps?
  • Welcome : Warwickshire Open Data – Despite the fact that it has been available for the last week or so the WCC open data site has now been officially launched by an official WCC announcement involving a pun, described officially as “awful”. Now things are properly kicked off we will be taking a number of steps to grow the site and […]
  • Social Media Glossary | The Social Media Guide
  • Access to Gov data – where the US leads, the UK will follow? – Americans are turning in large numbers to government websites to access information and services. Fully 82% of internet users (representing 61% of all American adults) looked for information or completed a transaction on a government website in the twelve months preceding this survey. Some of the specific government website activities in which Americans take part include:<br />
    48% of internet users have looked for information about a public policy or issue online with their local, state or federal government.<br />
    <br />
    So will we be seeing the same sort of appetite for (Gov/Local Gov) data consumption in the UK? I believe so, and – better late than never – the 'Make Public Data Public' initiative and access to public data afforded by will I'm sure drive similar interest and citizen take-up. The momentum is starting to build, and we're seeing the birth of 21st century government, which is going to be a lot more transparent than it's discredited 20th century version.

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