These are my links for March 31st through April 5th:
- – Im sure a lot of you out there have heard the term Web 2.0, but today I wanted to explain Web 3.0. Web 3.0 is a very interesting term that talks about the semantic web. The below image better explains the differences between Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.
- Measuring Social Media with Web Analytics, Part 2 – Search Engine Watch (SEW) – In part one, we tackled the question of how to measure social media referred visits that aren't directly attributed to your social media efforts using a Web analytics solution.
- Measuring Social Media with Web Analytics, Part 1 – Search Engine Watch (SEW) – Social media is increasingly becoming a measurable medium. However, many companies have yet to develop a social media measurement strategy, or they're struggling to get theirs properly implemented. This doesn't need to be the case, but unfortunately many companies aren't aware of the options that are available to monitor, measure, and track social media
- Gov 2.0: OpenGov APIs: Interfacing with Open Government – At Transparency Camp in DC last weekend, Socrata – a firm that hosts open data sets for governments – open sourced their API for accessing and querying public data. The Socrata Open Data API (or SODA) is a specification for running queries against public data sets. Currently, Socrata hosts data sets for the City of Seattle and others – code samples for working with the SODA spec can be found on Github.
- Georgi Kobilarov » Linked Data and Enterprise Data Integration – Interesting angle on linked data – i.e. joing up the data silos within the enterprise.
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