These are my links for November 15th through November 20th:
- Stream Live Video on Twitter from twitcam- powered by Livestream – Twitcam posts your video description and link to Twitter for all your followers to see.
- TweetMeme – Search and Retweet the Hottest Stories on Twitter – Hottest links on Twitter
- MyPolice – Mypolice is the winning idea from Scotland’s first Social Innovation Camp. It is an online feedback tool for the public to voice their experiences with the police and concerns in their area.
- – When we in the summer launched this project, today was a rather firm launch date (#egov2009). So it was very satisfactory, at midnight, to launch the digital version. Download the PDF here or here (1,1MB).
Oh, and get the launch press release.
But the book is indeed also a ‘real’ book. It will be published by Authorhouse soon, and be available via Amazon etc later this year. Until its general availability, we locally produce release versions of the paperback, and will be able to start shipping out books to near and far within days.
To place your order, please use this form. For Denmark and Sweden, we’re partnering with eLounge, so stay tuned for a link.
- oeGOV – Ontologies for e-Government – oeGOV is making and publishing W3C OWL ontologies for eGovernment. This initiative is born out of the idea: "Use small OWL ontologies to model recovery and deploy across all government" posted at and Tim Berners-Lee's vision of "Linked Open Data".
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