These are my links for September 5th through September 8th:
- Calendar of the Future – If the 21st century is the age of social media and the social web, then the calendar is still firmly rooted in 20th century technology. The best we seem to have at present is the abilty to synchonise or share calendars. Is this enough? How can I better optimise my time using a calendar injected with some degree of ‘intelligence’ as to what my priorities and routines are?An interesting proposition from My only surprise is that no-one has thought of it before.
- » VoxPopuLII – The launch of by The [UK] National Archives marks a step change in public access to a primary source of legal information for citizens in the UK. is extensive, covering the four jurisdictions that make up the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and over 800 years of history. An excelent summary by John Sheridan,h ead of e-Services and Strategy at The [UK] National Archives, where he leads the team responsible for
- Google Launches Blog Finder by Topic – I hadn’t appreciated the significance of this announcement from Google, but having tried it I think it could open up a major new search facet. I gave up on Technorati some time ago (I’ve maybe missed some history here as to why the Technorati blog index is so limited), but a comparitive search for the terms ‘linked data’ on Technorati brought back 57 results; on Google Blog search I got 516,000 results – which sounds a bit more realistic. Of course, I can’t vouch for the relevance of all these results having only tabbed through about 5 or 6 pages, but from what I saw the results were pretty much what I was looking for.So, if you missed the stealthy release of this announcement from Google, go try it out now. It certainly gives another dimension to real-time search. I’m impressed!
- Legislation UK Developer Zone – This is the developer area of the Legislation API. It’s not just for developers though! Anybody interested in getting their hands on legislation or linking to it will find useful information.The Legislation API Developer Zone gives complete documentation for all of the available functionality.
You can follow development of this project on Twitter using #opsidev and on the PerSpectIves, the OPSI blog.
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