These are my links for September 9th through September 11th:
- Local Spending Data Guidance | – This guidance has been produced by the Local Public Data Panel, and builds on the draft guidance published in June this year by the panel, on comments made on that guidance, the Treasury guidance to central government departments on releasing their spending data, and experience from publishing the data, and, crucially, using and analysing it.
- Local Council Spending over £500 – Ask every local authority in England to publish all its spending over £500 in an open format and what do you get? A whole load of PDFs. See our list of the best and the worst.
- 10 Killer Google Chrome Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts – Here are 10 tried and tested hints that will help you to get the most out of Chrome (Chrome) by taking advantage of some of its more functional tools and time-saving setups.
- Germany to prohibit employers from using social networking sites – I think this is pretty enlightened thinking from the German government and can only hope that the remainder of the EU community take note. Many Facebook (and other social network) users are bit naive around the issue of personal and private data, and particularly the cohort that Facebook was originally aimed at, i.e. college and university students, where the social life is as important (or some may argue…more important) than their academic life. It's only when these students start to look for employment that their past (e.g. Facebook conversations and photos) start to catch up with them. This proposed law recognises that we need to have some demarcation between 'social life' and 'professional life'. I hope it succeeds.
- Social Network Analysis – Social network analysis [SNA] is the mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, URLs, and other connected information/knowledge entities. The nodes in the network are the people and groups while the links show relationships or flows between the nodes. SNA provides both a visual and a mathematical analysis of human relationships. Management consultants use this methodology with their business clients and call it Organizational Network Analysis [ONA].
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