The following is a transcript of the Knowledge Hub ‘Hot Seat’ on-line question and answer session that took place on 26th February 2010 on the IDeA CoP Platform.
Further information about the Knowledge Hub is available at:
Video Transcript:
Just a brief introduction to the knowledge hub.
Have you ever had problems finding information amongst all over conversations going on out in the virtual world? Yes you can do a Google search and you might be lucky and find the information relevant to you, but the fact is these days there are more and more conversations and they are increasingly disaggregated. Anybody can set up a new network; anybody can post a blog and twitter about things. What the Knowledge Hub will do is connect all of these conversations, whether they are tweets, blogs, community conversations or feeds from individual websites, into one place.
The clever bit is to be able to aggregate and theme all of this content so that users can make some sense of it. The Hub will link information (data) to conversations and conversations to personal profiles, so that users can identify the knowledge that is most relevant to them and their needs.
The Knowledge Hub will also support ‘mash-ups’ and data visualisation apps for comparing performance (e.g. efficiency metrics) against benchmark data and other statistics. We will be encouraging people who use the knowledge hub to create their own applications and make them available through things like an application store, so that anybody in the sector can use these ‘widgets’ and plug-ins with iGoogle or their iPhones or other PDA devices.
I’m happy to give you further information as part of this hotseat session and will try and answer any questions that you have.
See also the Knowledge Hub Community of Practice.
PDF File of Q&A Session

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