I’ve recently re-vamped the social media/social networks training that I do on behalf of TFPL. The training has always been about using the social web for personal and professional…
Tag: <span>social networks</span>
Published March 8, 2012 by Stephen Dale
Published March 1, 2012 by Stephen Dale
I recently co-presented a session for NetIKX on “future trends in social media & social networks” with Geoffrey Mccaleb, with a solo follow-up Webinar for the Knowledge and Innovation Network…
Published October 17, 2011 by Stephen Dale
[twitter style=”vertical” source=”Collabo8now” text=”New blog post” float=”left”] Some useful data/information in this report from the Oxford University researchers. Key points as follows: 44 per cent of British Internet users now…
Published December 30, 2009 by Stephen Dale
There has been much written about measuring the value of online communities such as Social Networks or Communities of Practice. However, most pundits tend to think of measuring value from…